Welcome Spring Chakra Yoga Workshop
Enjoy an afternoon learning and experiencing the beauty of working with Breath, Mudras and Asanas to balance Chakras within our body focusing on welcoming spring in and the renewal of light in March
Adults £50
Enjoy an afternoon learning and experiencing the beauty of working with Breath, Mudras and Asanas to balance Chakras within our body focusing on welcoming spring in and the renewal of light in March
Adults £50
This workshop offers you the opportunity to deepen your practice. Based on traditional Sivananda yoga it incorporates all which is pure. The afternoon will involve pranayama, a 2-hour asana, meditation, and relaxation. Open to all, beginners through to experienced practitioners.
Email greencresttherapies@gmail.com to book
Simon & Xen
Cost: £50 including refreshments. Adults only, Limited spaces.
Cleanse yoga for Spring! Learn how to use simple yoga techniques to help cleanse our bodies. The afternoon will consist of yoga kriyas, asanas, pranayama, and meditation. Open to all levels of yogi. Come along and experience something different with us.
New year new you!
In our first workshop of 2020, we will start off by revitalising our senses and our body to prepare us for the year ahead. This workshop is based on the traditional Indian principles of pranayama (breath), Asanas (postures), meditation and prayer. The afternoon is aimed at all levels of yogis who wish to deepen their own knowledge and practice of yoga.
Cost: £30 Adults, Limited spaces
This workshop is aimed at calming and balancing our senses to release stresses and strains at this time of year. A gentle yoga practice and meditational breath work will create calmness within. Ideal for those who want to experience peace and calm.
Cost: £30 Adults, Limited spaces
This worksop is based around classical Indian yoga incorporating energetic asanas synchronised with breath. A 3 hour vinyasa practice with pranayama and meditation to energise your soul.
Cost: £30 Adults, Limited spaces
Experience the art of balancing your body and mind. This workshop will include Pranayama, the formal practice of controlling the breath. Mudras, the use of specific hand gestures to aid calmness and Asanas, body postures to aid balance and control. There will be a Meditation to finish. This workshop is open to adults who want to deepen their knowledge of yoga and experience something different than the usual ‘gym’ yoga.
Cost: £30 Adults
You will experience the art of balancing your body and mind in this workshop. The workshop will include Pranayama, the formal practice of controlling the breath, which is the source of our prana, or vital life force. Mudras, the use of hand gestures during meditation that carry specific goals of channeling your body’s energy flow. Asanas, body postures, the physical practice. Meditation through candle gazing all centred around balance and focus.
Cost: £30 Adults
Cleanse for Summer! Learn how to use simple yoga techniques to help cleanse our body. The afternoon will consist of yoga kriyas, asanas, pranayama and meditation.
Adults £35
A Shamanic practice to connect to your spirit animals. The afternoon is aimed at people who wish to experience and develop their skills in this ancient form of spiritual connection. Physical, meditational and visualisation techniques will be used throughout.
Cost: £30 Adults