We are Simon and Xen and we offer shamanic healing, reiki, body and breathwork, osteopathy, yoga and massage. We will work closely with you to support and empower you on your journey to spiritual and physical well-being.
We believe that well-being is not just about physical health. For us, well-being is about finding a balance between body, mind, and spirit. In this state, we feel content, connected, energised, resilient and safe.
Osteopathy takes a holistic, whole-body approach to healthcare. It uses manual 'hands-on' techniques to improve circulation and correct altered biomechanics, without the use of drugs. We use manual techniques to balance all the body systems and to provide overall good health and well-being.
If you are feeling stuck healing sessions can help you to voice your issues. During the session, we may just talk together or we may work with Reiki or Shamanic healing, or use a combination of them all. Whatever helps to allow the voice to flow past blocked emotion. This can often be helped by bringing movement to the situation, through gentle exercises and breathwork.
We work intuitively with shamanic counselling, soul retrieval, power animals, extraction, ancestral healing, cord-cutting, ceremony and ritual, energy work and reiki. As we work with Spirit no two sessions are alike.
Shamanic healing helps you to find answers, releases you from negativity and provides healing.
Shamanic healing addresses the spiritual cause that underlies illness, dis-ease or difficulties. A shamanic practitioner works closely with spirits to help find answers, provide healing and to advise you.
Shamanic work can often succeed where conventional talking therapies have failed.
Reiki, meaning 'universal life force energy', is a gift from the Universe.
Energy healing is transferred from the Universe through the practitioner’s palms to the patient. It can be hands on or off, whichever you are most comfortable with.
Energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or emotional pain. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness. Reiki targets the energy fields around the body and brings it into harmony and peace, helping to balance the emotions, calm the mind, body and soul and bring clarity.
Along with speaking therapy, shamanic journeying and energy work it is incredibly healing to move our bodies too. We hold so many negative emotions in our muscles and cells. Movement can help to free us up when we feel stuck.
By bringing movement to our body through gentle exercise and using our breath effectively we can help release suppressed trauma and other painful experiences. If we don’t tackle our issues, they can lead to a variety of problems in later life including unwanted behaviours, illness or addiction.
What people are saying
“Simon and Xenie approached me in a beautifully calm, holistic way. I received detailed treatment and advice from Simon which not only cured my knee but my whole biological, emotional, and spiritual self. It’s been a truly transformative experience. I cannot recommend them highly enough.”